An Online Journal of Exceptional Achievement
This issue is dedicated to women, featuring stories written by women, about women, and their challenges. These narratives illustrate the determination and perseverance needed by woman to realize their objectives, ultimately leading to triumph. Anne Frank said: “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” To all women who couldn’t wait to improve the world, we celebrate you! Adelante!
Roy Rogelio Hernández
Founder & Publisher

In this issue
Memo Women, Cornerstone of the Community
Roy Rogelio Hernández
Perspective A Time for Truth & Reckoning
Roy Rogelio Hernández
Education ByDesign Presents the 10th Annual CASA Alumni Scholarships
Aymee Barajas & Roy Rogelio Hernández
Cover Story BASE, Community-driven Design With Honey in the Heart
Patricia Algara, ASLA
Resilience My Life, An Inspirational Journey of Survival
Vanity Garcia
Latinx Activism Exploring our Latinidad, LiSF Kicks Off 2021 with Games
Patricia Alarcon, AIA
Fighting Intolerance Anti-Asian Hate
Jennie Lew
CASA Now! Casistas Graduate in an Epoch of Uncertainity
Michelle Hernández, UC Berkeley
Latino Urbanism The Plaza, Mercado, & Tianguis: LA's Latino Public Life and Space
James Rojas, Urban Planner
Political Equality Chicanismo 2020
Joseph Martinez, Architect